
Our contact details

Name: ReachOut

Address: The McLaren Building, Birmingham, B4 7LR, UK

Phone Number:  0800 061 2172


If you owe money, we’re here to work with you on clearing that debt and building a brighter financial future and that takes trust. We are committed to building that trust, starting with helping you to understand our privacy practices, so you can be confident that your business is no-one else’s business.

This notice explains the personal data we collect, where we get it from, how it’s used and shared, and your choices regarding your information.

We recommend that you read this and get in touch if there is anything you are unsure about.

Data Controllers and Data Processors

We partner with a number of companies who ask that we support their customers, like you. When our partners engage with us, they pass us your information so that we can get in touch to see if we can help. Each of our partners does this either with your consent or because they have a legitimate interest by nature of the money owed to them. Sometimes, your information is passed to us based on a combination of both those things.

We never own your personal data, we look after it carefully for the short period of time that we are engaged to provide support to you and then we pass it back or permanently delete it.

On this basis, we are a Data Processor and the company who put us in touch is the data controller. You will find a similar data protection notice on their website which will explain your rights in more detail.

To keep our service confidential and maintain your trust, we have a special agreement with each of our partners that we will only ever pass information back to them with your express permission. So you can be confident that, even though we are processing your data on their behalf, our conversation with you is protected. Occasionally, as part of their legal duty, a regulator like the Financial Conduct Authority may request customer files. In those instances, we may share details of calls directly with those regulators, but not with our clients.

Because we only have a short period of time to try and get in touch and help you, you may end up calling us after we’ve removed your details from our system. In this instance, any data we collect about you, either on our database or through call recordings, we will do with your consent and we will become the Data Controller. In that situation, the rest of this notice is for you.

Who we are

ReachOut is a trading style of Sigma Connected Ltd and we are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office and the UK Data Protection register. Our company number is 01221157.

The type of personal information we collect

When we act as a Data Controller, we collect basic personal information about you such as your name and address and other contact details. Depending on the conversation we have, you may also disclose to us some more sensitive details about your personal, health, legal or financial situation. Much of this is defined as ‘Special Category Data’ under data protection law (the GDPR) and that is why we take extra care with the data of anyone using the ReachOut service.

In short, after the original window given to us by our partner, any information we collect is given to us by you and we do so with your consent. This is called our legal basis for processing.

What do we use this data for

Quite simply, we use your data to help you and nothing else. We ask questions to understand your circumstances and then we provide you with information about support and services that may help you. We keep limited records on databases and we keep our call recordings for 12 months. We keep these recordings for two main reasons:

  1. Training and quality assurance for our Pathfinders, so we can improve our service to you.
  2. In case you ever felt the need to make a complaint. We take complaints very seriously and having a record of the call enables us to hear what was said and make sure we can resolve the issue and improve our service.

Who we share your data with


Well, almost no-one.

If you give us permission, we may share details of the call with whichever partner referred you on to our service in the first place.

Very occasionally we speak to people who appear to be in great distress. Where we think it is appropriate, we may refer those details on to the emergency services or welfare services. We would always try to get permission first, but data protection laws allow us to do this where we believe someone is at risk.

How we store your personal information.

Your information is securely stored in UK datacentres. We have some very clever people in our IT team who continually check to ensure that we have the latest firewalls, the most up to date security and the best equipment. We train our staff regularly on data protection and information security and we are proud to hold both the ISO27001 Information Security Standard and the ISO9001 Quality Standard.

You are important to us. Your data is important to us.

How long we will store your data

We keep call recordings for 12 months, then they are permanently deleted.

We keep any information about you in our database for 12 months from the last contact we had with you, then we permanently delete that too.

Your data protection rights

Here in the UK, our data protection laws give you lots of rights in relation to your data. These are really important for your privacy and to make sure that you have full control over any information that exists about you.

This is a list of your rights and how you can exercise them with Reach:Out if you feel you need to.

  • You have the right of access – if you want to know what information any data controller holds about you, you have the right to ask for copies of your personal information. You can do this by any communication method and we will not charge you for doing so.
  • You have the right to rectification – if you think any information that we hold about you is incomplete or inaccurate, tell us. We are required to rectify that information.
  • You have the right to erasure – You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances.
  • You have the right to restriction of processing – You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances.
  • You have the right to object to processing – You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances.
  • You have the right to data portability – You have the right to ask that we transfer the personal information you gave us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances.

All of these rights are free to you from us or any other organisation holding your data. If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you.

You can contact us on the details at the top of this notice to make a request in relation to your rights, or if you have a question about them.

How to complain

If you are worried in any way about our use of your personal information, you can talk to us about it using any of the contact methods in this document. If you are so worried you wish to make a complaint, please contact our Data Protection Officer at:

Peter Hopgood-Gravett, The McLaren Building, Birmingham, B4 7LR, UK.

You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data.

The ICO’s address:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane

Helpline number: 0303 123 1113

ICO website:

What now?

That’s everything we think you might want to know about how we collect, use and store your data. If you have any questions, please drop us a line.

Other than that, we thank you for reaching out and look forward to speaking with you. Hopefully we can help.

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